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Tips And Tricks For Teenagers

3 Lessons Will Change Your Teenage Entirely 

So Ladies And Gentlemen I Grew Up With A Father Obviously. I'm An Only Child And The Reason I'm Telling You This Is Because I Am Going To Tell You 17 Life Lessons I Wish Someone Had Told Me As A Teenager. So These Are Things That I Had To Find Out The Difficult Way And That's Why I'm Sharing Them With You Today, So That Way You Do Not Need To Go Through The Years And Years Of Pain Struggle, Soul Searching That I Went Through And You Can Just Bypass All Of That If You Read And You Take Heed. So I've Got A Couple Things Written Down And Honestly I'm Just Gonna Spitball These 17 Lessons..

Lesson Number One Is:- You Need To Extend

You Need To Extend Your Timeline And I Know That Is Very Difficult When You Watch YouTube Videos And It's Much Difficult When You Are On Tick Tock And You See These 18 year Old 21 Year Old Millionaires And I Understand That I am even a part of That Issue Sitting Here At The Age Of 23 Years Old But Tens Of Millions Of Dollars It Is So Easy To See The Final Product And Think That You Need To Rush When Quite Frankly You Don't I Can Tell You That I Have Missed Out On So Many Hang Out With The Friends, Grab A Sofa With Friends Watch The Football Game And Enjoy.
My Childhood And My Teenage Years Had None Of That Which Is Why I Want You To Understand Extend The Timeline You Want To Become A Millionaire. Great Give Yourself 5 Or 10 Years To Yourself You Don't Need To Rush Now. I Will say If You Can Get Rich Faster, Go For It If You Can Learn A High Income Skill And We'll Talk About It A Little Later Down The Line If You Can Start A Side Gig That Then Turns Into A Small Little Business That Then Turns Into A Very Large Business, But Just Alleviate The Pressure Stop Thinking You Need To Become A Millionaire In A Year Two Years And Even In My Position I Understand I Did Not Have A Normal Person's Journey It Is Not Normal To Amass The Sort Of Wealth That I Have Amassed And By The Way As I Said That Came With A Lot Of Drawbacks So I Don't Just Think It's All Roses And Sunshine But Even Me In My Position You Can See Videos Of My Channel...

Lesson Number Two Is:- Focus On Practicality And Not Purpose
I Hear This Whole Thing Of Oh I'm Not Starting Because I Just Need To Find My Purpose I Need To Find My Passion Stop It Focus On Practicality. When You Are A Teenager You Will Not Know Your Purpose, You Will Not Know Your Mission And Even In Your 20s. Even The Phase I'm In It Will Morph, And It Will Change So Instead Focus On Practicality Focus On Learning Skills That Are Practical Focus On Starting A Businesses Or Careers That Are Practical, Focus On Getting An Apprenticeship Or Even A Low Paying Job That Isn't The Destination Of Where You Want To Get To But Is Practical And Will Teach You The Core Foundation And The Core Principles To Then Go On And Succeed In Your 20s Now The Next Life Lesson And This Is So Important And I Know I'm Just Speaking To Men Here And A Lot Of Times In My Content I Speak To Men But For Reasons That I've Previously Mentioned It Is Important For Me To Put Out Content And Nurture The Next Generation Of Men So Men Listen To Me When I Say Focus On Becoming A Gentleman In This World And Especially In The West I See Some Of The Most Disgusting Behavior For Men It Does Not Surprise Me That So Many Women Treat You With Disrespect Because You Are Not Men Even Worthy Of Respect Do Not Listen To All Of These Guys That Have Never Lived In The Real World Telling You Oh You're A Simp If You Pick Up A Girl If You Drop A Girl Home After A Date ,If You Pay For The Bill Etc. I Don't Know Who Raised Some Of These Kids Because Quite Clearly They're Not Actual Men The Way That I Was Raised.


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